Wednesday, July 4, 2018

This is a story about a boy and a fox.   
On a sunny day, Malakai went fishing in a teensy pond to catch food for his whanau. He used a bamboo for his fishing rod and he used a string for the hook to catch the fish in his weensy tahi that's by his feitu.  He caught a bitty fish and looked at it but he felt fakaofa because it was too small to feed the family. Then Malakai heard a sound in the bushes he quietly sneaked and peaked through the bushes and saw an orange fox that was stuck in a snarea snare by his tail.  Then Malakai got out is sharp knife and cut the jungle wires of from the fox tail.  The fox thought that Malakai would hurt him but Malakai didn’t because Malakai is a good person.  Then the fox began to taggal Malakai to the ground because the fox thought that Malakai will take him  to his village.

But then the fox smelled something it was the tiny fish that Malakai caught, then the fox got the fish and ran away with it.  Malakai went after the fox but he looked back to his village and he looked really worried but he went because he is a brave person, he went through spiky snare.  Nae fakaofa a Malakai because he had to chas chase the fox and Malakai had to go up a huge Mountain and then his hat flew of because of a huge gust of wind. Malakai keeped on going until he got the fox he ran and ran until he got the fox but the fox was unstoppabele unstoppable.  But last Malakai found the fox.  Then the fox threw the little fish into the sea, Malakai did not know that there was a huge sea because there was fog all over the place.

WOW!!!!! Malakai was imprevest impressivest with the ika and Malakai was amazed with what he saw because there was a  humougouse humongous ika in the mistryise mysterious deep ocean.  After that the fox gave a longish stick to Malakai, but Malakai’s face was a bit angry at the fox but he smiled an Malakai took the sick and went fishing.  Fishing was easy for Malakai he court the large fish and the little fish, then after that they both walked back together where they were before. Then Malakai gave the fox the little fish and then Malakai went back to his and then the fox turned in to dust.  Then i found out that the fox was a spirit animal.

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